The PLN Calendar

Peak Living Network - PLN Calendar


For more detailed information, including times and dates of those meetings that have a variable schedule, please see the PLN Newsletter (below).

Goals Group

Thursdays 1:00-2:15 ET. Full for the next eight-week cycles, no one on the waiting list at the moment so next person to sign up will be first on the list. Facilitation rotates. Contact Lundy to be on the waiting list.

Parallel Play

Thursdays 10-11:45 ET Space is available. Contact Arthur if you’re interested in attending.

Healing After an Abusive Relationship Has Ended

Alternate Saturdays for six meetings. Led by MaryAnn Kaczmarski. Continues until early May. Current group full, but group will be offered again.

CC Level 1

8-week class, ending March 5th. Taught by Lundy

Healing Through Dance Group

Twice a week, Wednesdays and Fridays 2-3 pm ET. New people are periodically accepted. Contact Lorran.

Writers Group

Meets every month or two on a drop-in basis. Days and times vary. Open to anyone to whom any form of writing is important (including journaling or shopping lists). Contact Lundy for more information. Link is in the #writing channel.

Drop-In Class for Experienced Co-Counselors

Meets every month or two on a drop-in basis. Days, times, and topics vary. Open to anyone who has completed a Level 1 co-counseling class (or more) and who is co-counseling regularly or intends to do so.

Open Meetings

Meet every two to three months. Open to everyone, including people who have had no previous connection with PLN but want to learn about it. Days, times, and topics vary.


PLN Newsletter



All listings are by Zoom.


PLN Orientation Session

Friday, February 9th,  12:00-12:45 pm ET

Everyone one is welcome! The orientation session is a chance to learn about the range of activities that make up the Peak Living Network and the various ways you can get involved. This is also an opportunity to ask questions about any aspect of the network, and a chance to meet other people who are new to the network.

Experienced PLN people are welcome to attend to say hello and to raise any issues that need to be discussed.

It’s helpful (but not required) to let us know you’re planning to attend by sending an email to [email protected]. Here’s the link:

PLN Orientation February 9th 12:00-12:45 pm ET


Parallel Play

Thursdays,10:00-11:45 am ET, ongoing group, drop-in

Participants check in briefly at the beginning of the meeting, then everyone turns off their microphones but leaves their cameras on, and we all work separately on our personal projects. Being together helps us get things done! There is periodically space for new people to join. Members don’t need to attend every time, but pretty regular attendance is appreciated. Facilitated by Arthur. If you’re interested in joining, send an inquiry to [email protected] or send a Direct Message to Arthur on the PLN Slack space.

PLN Dance Group

Wednesdays and Fridays,  1:00 pm CT / 2:00 pm ET

This group meets twice weekly by Zoom to dance together. They have a blast! The group is drop-in, come when you can. To request a link, send Lorran a Direct Message on the PLN Slack, or send an email to [email protected] and we’ll forward it to Lorran.


*  An Open Meeting for everyone (including people with no previous connection to PLN) and a Drop-In Group for Experienced Co-Counselors will both happen in early March. Times and dates will be announced in the next newsletter.

* We’re going to be moving largely toward time-limited groups of six or eight weeks, rather than open-ended ones. We’re also going to be trying to offer more monthly groups of different kinds .If you’re interested in leading a group, please reach out to Lundy at [email protected], or send a Direct Message on the PLN Slack space to MaryAnn or Betsy. We’re hoping that making groups time-limited will help people to feel the courage to lead their own groups!! Lundy is available to train, support, and consult with group leaders.

* PLN needs volunteers! Currently we need someone to put out this monthly newsletter. It takes about an hour per month, perhaps a little over. The job involves collecting the information from Lundy and other group leaders, entering it into MailChimp, and sending it out. We’re happy to train you to do it, including how to use MailChimp.

* Many thanks to everyone who volunteered to be in PLN training videos. We’ll be starting to record those at the beginning of March, so you’ll hear from us!

Be well, everyone!

Have Questions?

7 + 6 =

The Joyous Recovery by Lundy Bancroft