About the Peak Living Network

What is the Peak Living Network?

The Peak Living Network (PLN) is a supportive community of people seeking healing, connection, and effectiveness in their lives. The Network is open to everyone, and we encourage females and males to join of all ages, races, backgrounds, sexual orientations, and economic circumstances. Our only request is that you read our statement of principles, and make an honest decision that you are willing to work hard to live within them, before beginning to participate.

The Peak Living Network is based on the belief that human beings have a tremendous untapped capacity for emotional healing and wellness. By learning certain basic but powerful concepts, and by joining together with other people who wish to pursue healing for themselves and for their world, you can unleash your healing potential. The result is that your life moves toward a higher level of satisfaction, energy, and love. Hand in hand with your personal recovery and empowerment, you find yourself more able to have a positive impact on the world and effectively address our planetary crisis.

You can be part of the Peak Living Network by:

  • Attending support groups
  • Meeting up with another individuals for two-person co-counseling sessions, either in person or over the phone, which we also call “splitting time
  • Reading PLN literature
  • Participating in online PLN forums

These activities are all peer-led and are free of charge (though some may ask for voluntary donations to help offset expenses such as the cost of renting a room for a support meeting). These activities and ways of getting involved with them are described further below.

What’s Distinct About the Peak Living Network Approach To Healing?

The Peak Living Network has several distinguishing qualities in its approach to healing. To view those qualities uncover them below.


WE BELIEVE … that healing needs to be a collective process for it to be deep and lasting. “Self-help” doesn’t work very well. So we’re about building healing partnerships, healing networks, and healing communities.

WE BELIEVE … that there’s nothing wrong with any of us. We just need opportunities to heal emotionally and to step free of lies we’ve been told.

WE BELIEVE … that healing is inherent in all of us. The single most powerful healing forces are laughter, crying, and other built-in emotional releases that no one needed to teach us how to use; they were natural to us. Bringing these processes back to life is one of the keys to emotional recovery and wellness.

WE DON’T BELIEVE … that there are people who “have it together” and people who don’t. We all are healers, and we all need healing. PLN teaches that you have to build your ability to heal others while building your ability to be healed; neither of these processes works very well without the other.

WE BELIEVE … that no approach to healing works for everyone. We need to support each other in finding what brings each of us our most powerful healing. All healing approaches work better when we are part of a healing network, when we follow certain underlying principles, and when we incorporate deep laughter and crying into our practice.

You can learn a great deal more about the Peak Living Network approach to healing by reading this free version of Chapter One of Lundy’s book The Joyous Recovery (January 2018).

How do I participate in the Network?

All of the information you need is available on this website. See links below for details on how to participate.


What a local Peak Living Support Network does?

Click any image to learn more.

Open Support Meetings

Support Groups

Attendance at PLN support groups is free, though we may ask participants to help share the cost of renting the meeting room to the extent that they can afford to do so. (And we are always on the lookout for free and low-cost spaces in which we can hold meetings.)

A PLN support group is a highly structured gathering, and both facilitators and participants are asked to follow the guidelines closely. You can find the guidelines in “How to Run a Peak Living Network Support Group.” This structure is important in order to make sure that time is shared equally — a central PLN principle — and to reduce the chance that individuals will be triggered or re-injured by the meeting. 

Splitting Time


Co-counseling, which is also referred to as “splitting time,” involves two participants taking turns giving each other high-quality, focused attention to support emotional healing and wellness.  Like a PLN support group, co-counseling session follows a clear structure, with each person having equal time to talk and an equal time to listen and give support. The goals and the structure of this healing approach are explained in detail in “All You Need to Know to Split Time“.

Like PLN support groups, co-counseling sessions are free. You can co-counsel as often as you choose to, based on your ability to find other participants who would like to do sessions with you.

You do not need to split time with other people if you choose not to; some people will choose just to go to support groups. Similarly, some people may choose only to co-counsel and not to attend support groups. Participating in the Peak Living Network does not come with any obligations except to respect PLN principles.

Open Gatherings

Local Gatherings

A local PLN network may choose to offer additional activities, such as day-long or weekend retreats, advanced co-counseling training, healing outings, and more. Any of these gatherings shoud have a clear structure, however, and should include time explicitly set aside for co-cunseling in pairs and for for splitting time in groups..

The core of what keeps a local PLN network strong is regular attendance at support groups frequent co-counseling on-on-one between groups. To see your local network thrive, and your own healing shoot forward, build these practices into your routine with discipline and commitment.

Have Questions?

6 + 14 =

The Joyous Recovery by Lundy Bancroft