Training Courses

Peak Living Network
Training Courses

The Peak Living Network offers 12-week training courses online based on the principles from The Joyous Recovery by Lundy Bancroft. 

No training courses are required for participation in the Peak Living Network. The courses are optional opportunities for those people who would like to increase their skills and accelerate their progress.

Training Schedule


Peak Living Network Training Level 1

“Co-Counseling and Community Building”

Zoom class beginning late April 2021, 12 weeks

90-minute class each week, plus 90-minute co-counseling session outside of class each week and 5-10 pages of reading

Tentatively time: Mondays 7:30-9:00 pm Eastern Time (U.S.)

Additional classes, including daytime classes, will be offered as soon as we have enough interest. A U.K. class is also currently forming.

Training classes on Zoom are FREE, taught by Lundy Bancroft

Peak Living Network Level 1 accepts both women and men (not abusers, though). This course is about emotional healing in general and does not have a particular focus on healing from abusive relationships. This is an intensive training course for people who are interested in learning to apply the principles taught in Lundy’s book The Joyous Recovery. 

The PLN approach is a two-way and peer healing system which requires a commitment to listening well to others and supporting their healing; it is not a substitute for one-way (professional) therapy. We therefore recommend that people whose lives are in severe current crisis pursue social services (such as domestic violence programs and crisis lines), and wait to come to PLN to pursue long-term healing after the acute crisis has passed.

To get on the list for Spring 2021 training classes, send an email to [email protected]

Have Questions?

13 + 7 =

The Joyous Recovery by Lundy Bancroft